Sunday, February 15, 2015

How to Never Stop Learning as A Teacher

       As a teacher it is hard to keep up with all the new technology that is available to the students outside of the classroom but it is even more important to find a way to integrate it in the classroom. Students now have access to more technology then ever before and it is changing so fast. 
      The Future Starts Now is a video highlighting the issue with the Norwegian schools falling behind in education. The video claims this is due to the schools are not taking advantage of the opportunity to use the technology the students are so familiar with. The new technology offers so much opportunity to expand what the learning experience can be. The video mentioned the integration of technology to make Norway a country that relies on education after its natural resources dry up. This is because sadly there is a high dropout rate in Norway as a result people believe it is a lack of ICT in the schools. 
    The video mentions the ability for teachers to make learning more then just lecturing but a multi-sense learning experience. If the teachers can make technology integration an important and valuable addition to the classroom the potential is endless.
    I am personally unsure if this video paints a completely accurate picture of the complete reality of technology in the classroom. As I personally was not a student in high school after all of technology was integrated into the classroom, all I can do is hope it works out in the future. 
      The modern teacher who integrates technology into the classroom has to constantly keep learning to keep up with the changing trends. Technology has changed so much in the last ten years alone, the teachers in the video A Vision of 21st Century Teachers are spending hours a week in order to keep up. Teachers have to be willing to keep students a part of the class and the current generation is so involved with technology that teachers don't have a choice but to make it a part of the classroom. Like the previous video mentioned teaching students with the new technology is important for the future but this video looked at the commitment that comes from the teacher to better themselves.

     The future of education looks like it will have heavy involvement with technology because it is gonna become more integrated in our lives. As long as this integration is positive for the students and the teachers it means nothing but good news for the future!

1 comment:

  1. Students are often more adept at certain Internet tools than we teachers are, but they often haven't been exposed to how to utilize these tools for education. So there can perhaps be a sharing where the students teach us about tools and the we think about and instruct the students on how to learn using these tools.
