Comics are source of media that is popular all over the world; many countries have their own unique ways of drawing them with many different styles. I think the use of comics, as a tool in the classroom might be a fun way to introduce students to creating their own stories. It does not require them to spend the time drawing the characters, because they can just pick out their favorite from the many choices on the website.
For my comic I found a character from a tv show from my childhood. I used the character to recreate a repeated scene on the show. I think a fun activity would be for the students to come up with stories they can share with the class. There is a variety of options for the lengths of the comics, which can allow the students more freedom in the creation of their story. If the students enjoy the assignment you can have their characters keep going on different adventures related to the weekly lesson. Performance Indicator - ESL.I.5- Students use a variety of oral, print, and electronic forms of social communication and for writing to or for self, applying the conventions of social writing. The students responding to their favorite comics and helping to provide ideas for the next adventure can fulfill this this indicator. The students can even split the comic into multiple parts.
I think the idea of using comics in the classroom can be a fun exercise that the students can make funny or serious depending on their interests. I think it can be enjoyable for every student. I think if you want to use it in a flipped classroom situation, it could be used to introduce new material as well in a fun way for the students. For me the most important use of this tool might be to give the students a way to share their understanding of the material with the instructor.
When I try to see your comic, I get an error message.
ReplyDeleteThe link works now. Thanks. I like your idea of having the students continue their stories, perhaps, with each one associated with the topics being covered in class.