Flipping your class is turning the traditional method of teaching around and making homework into in class work. This method passes the responsibility to the student, the students not only have to take responsibility, but when they have access to the materials they can go back and review the lesson more then once to increase their comprehension. The ability for the students to watch the instructional videos more times allows them to review the material as opposed to relying on notes they took in class.
The article
Your EL Classroom: A primer gives a basic introduction into the concept of flipping the class, the article focuses on how to find or create your own videos for the class. It gives examples of sources for videos including youtube, teacher tube, and ted-ed. This articles focus on the videos highlights the most important aspect of flipping the class, the material that introduces the topic for the lesson plan. Without the teacher directly interacting with the students while they are learning the initial lesson. It makes it important that you find the dest possible video for the students to watch and make sure it covers everything necessary in the lesson but also contains away to assure the students viewed it. One thing mentioned was adding a quiz to viewing the video as part of the lesson to assure the students watch it.

The second article is
Reasons to Flip Your Classroom it first looks at the three steps of a flipped class lesson plan, they are the instructional video, in class collaboration and observation feedback assessment stage. The article highlights 3 very important results of the flipped classroom the first one being the increased comprehension. The second one being increased integration with teacher and student, the students who are struggling with comprehension have the most to gain from this new system. With the extra time in class devoted to using the new knowledge for purposes of interaction and practice. The third reason being the greater use of critical thinking. As a result of the time spent outside of the classroom on understanding and remembering, the students have more time in class to focus on higher level thinking allowing for more time to work on comprehension.
I think flipping your classroom has potential to be used in the ESL environment, I do enjoy the idea of being able to spend more time focusing on making sure the students understand the material. By giving the teacher more time with the students to intervene when there is an issue with comprehension the students will be able to progress at the best possible rate.