I tried Polleke’s Blue Room it was my first time really trying room escape games. I played the game 3 times the first time I tried it with out using the walkthrough at all. I made little progress with figureing out what I needed to accomplish in order to escape the room. The second time I played I used the walkthrough and made much more progress and accomplished the goal. The game to me seemed very difficult without the walkthrough because of how small many of the details were for the hidden objects.
I think this game could be useful for ESL students because the students can try the game at first without the walkthrough and see how far they can get. After the first attempt they can follow it up with trying it with the walkthrough and have the students race each other because the game has a timer. The Performance Indicator - ESL.I.5- Students select information appropriate to the purpose of the investigation, relate ideas from one written or spoken source to another, and exclude nonessential information. This applies to this activity because of the use of the walkthrough and how they can apply it to completing the task.
In this activity the teacher can play a supporting role if the students get confused by the walkthrough and are unable to get past a certain point. The students can get excited by the prospect of playing a game and competing against their classmates. The students can also serve in a supporting role by helping any student who is unable to finish. I would asses the completion of my objects based on how well they can follow the walkthrough and apply it to the game. Following the completion of the game have the students then write what they did in the game in order to get out of the room.
Well done!